


AUDIT COMMITTEE – Inspect the books of the Treasurer annually and report their findings at the annual Board of Directors meeting of the Association.
Erin Drost, Chairperson
Joe Rickhoff
Hannah Cavanaugh
Laura Robinson

AO COMMITTEE – Track rules and policy changes that may affect federal officials and provide advice to the Executive Committee and Board in addressing those with potential impact on members; for example, J-Net, CRAG, Judicial Conference proceedings, the court reporter manual.
Amy Walker, Chairperson
Jana McKinney
Shirley Hall
Kelli Mulcahy
Jan Davis
Amanda Longmore

BYLAWS COMMITTEE – Review requests for amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws and propose wording for any suggested changes.
Kendra Steppler
Shirley Hall
Brenda Fauber
Kelli Mulcahy
Laura Griffin

CONVENTION COMMITTEE – Provide site selection and speaker planning for the Midyear and Annual USCRA conventions, complete NCRA continuing education submission following events.
Nikki Peters, Chairperson
Megan Hague
Jana McKinney
Sonja Reeves
Megan Strawn
Candy Potter
Jill Wells
Lori Vollmer
Amie First

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE – Recruit members to join, communicate with current members regarding renewals, maintain membership database, manage website Private Library passwords, monitor USCRA Facebook page, disseminate electronic communications with members, create and manage electronic registration forms.

Paul Brandell, Lead
Jill Wells
Kristin Kelley
Laura Melton
Sonja Reeves

Membership Database/Private Library
Candy Potter

Facebook/USCRA Messenger
Brenda Fauber, Lead
Jana McKinney
Laura Robinson
Laura Griffin

Electronic Communication/ Forms
Candy Potter
Megan Hague
Amy Walker
Nikki Peters

NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Formulate a slate consisting of nominees for each of the offices of the Association.
Jana McKinney – IPP (Term expires 10/25)
Rebecca Sabo – IPP (Term expires 10/26)
Regular Members: Megan Hague (Expires 10/25)
Joe Rickhoff, Three-year term (Expires 10/2026)
Laura Griffin (Expires 10/2027)
Alternate Members: (one-year terms)
Kathy Fennell
Jan Davis

REPORTER TESTING COMMITTEE – Create dictation materials, administer all aspects of Federal Certified Realtime Reporter Examination and Tunheim Annual Realtime Speed Contest.
Anne Bowline, Chairperson
Liz Lemke
Kelli Mulcahy
Lisa Wiesman
Brenda Fauber
Shirley Hall
Amanda Longmore
Erin Drost
Cassy Kerr
Linda Mullen
Laura Renke

THE CIRCUIT RIDER – Create and edit content for publication of The Circuit Rider magazine.
Kelli Mulcahy, Chairperson
Shirley Hall
Candy Potter
Rogene Schroder
Lori Cecil-Vollmer
Amy Walker
Christina Decker
Mindy Martin
Suzanne Trimble

Candy Potter


Brenda Fauber

Cindy Nirenberg

USCRA CRAG Representative
Jana McKinney (Expires 12.2024)
Sonja Reeves beginning 12/2024

To contact any committee chair or to volunteer for USCRA committees in the future, please send your email to

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